Tvrtka Arkup bogatim kupcima diljem svijeta nudi luksuzne ploveće kuće, koje su posebno popularne u Nizozemskoj. Njihov novi model nosi naziv Arkup 1, a uz pomoć dva elektromotora snage 100 kW i potisnika plovi brzinom od 7 čvorova. Sigurnosti radi, opremljena je s hidrauličnim stabilizatorima dužine 6 m, što vlasniku omogućava da je izdigne iznad površine mora tijekom velikih valova.
Svakako treba naglasiti da je otporna na oluje i može izdržati udare vjetra od 250 km/h, tvrdi proizvođač. Ploveću kuću je projektirao nizozemski Waterstudio, a interijer je izradila brazilska tvrtke Artefacto. Duga je 22,9 m, ima površinu od 404 m2, sustav filtracije kišnice, kao i solarne panele od 36 kW koji pune baterije kapaciteta 1000 kWh. Jedina mana Arkupa 1 je visoka cijena od 5,5 milijuna dolara, ali tvrtka najavljuje kako će izgraditi još tri ovakve kuće te ih prodati bogatim šeicima. (Ž. S.)
Tecture Mag – Arkup
Tecture Mag

さまざまなフローティングアーキテクチャを手がけるオランダの設計事務所Waterstudio.NLのケーン・オルトゥイス(Koen Olthuis)とディベロッパーであるダッチ・ドックランズ(Dutch Docklands)が、ジャッキアップ技術を活用したフローティングヴィラ〈Arkup〉を発表しました。
Waterstudio.NLのケーン・オルトゥイス(Koen Olthuis)は次のように主張します。
Floating architecture is on the move. Designs are getting more luxurious and quality is rising but more important the technology taking a leap.
With the completion of the Miami based Arkup portable hurricane proof villa designed by Koen Olthuis of Waterstudio a new generation of floating buildings has emerged. The evolution of floating villas has resulted in a hybrid solution that combines the flexibility of the floating foundation with the stability of offshore jack-up technology. During storms the floating building can be lifted up more than 10ft above water level out of reach of the heavy waves. This upgrade of stability performance unlocks opportunities for large scale floating structures as condominiums and floating high rise which will benefit from the additional support of the lowered spuds.
New larger urban components will accelerate the Rise of the Blue city.
Urbanization and the effects of climate change put pressure on livability in big cities. “Rise of the blue city” argues that Cities that are threatened by water today will be the best performing cities of tomorrow if they start using the water to achieve a higher flexibility and shorter response time. Stop building for today’s demands, start building for change!