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Architecture, urban planning and research in, on and next to water
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First Indian Resilient Floating House Prototype, the Bihar City App, is nearing completion

The integration of modern innovation with traditional practices signals the beginning of a more sustainable and adaptable future for Bihar’s floodplains.

Waterstudio initiated its applied research project on City Apps over a decade ago to address challenges in flood-prone areas. City Apps combine standardized systems with locally available materials and craftsmanship. These innovative solutions encompass a variety of functions, including sanitation, healthcare, energy production, community workspaces, and other essential facilities. City Apps aim to provide adaptable and sustainable infrastructure to effectively meet the needs of communities in these regions.

At Centre of Resilience in Bihar, and with its founder, Kumar Prashant, Waterstudio has found a valuable local partner to expand the City Apps project into India, marking the initial steps in aiding the people of this flood-affected region to construct a brighter future.

The prototype developed in this project represents the first step towards the realization of the City App vision for adaptive development on floodplains, with the ultimate goal of scaling up to thousands of locally built standardized floating units. Following the testing phase, a comprehensive study will be conducted to measure the broader impacts of this groundbreaking project. The data and insights gathered will form the basis for the development of long-term strategies for sustainable floodplain management.

Over Water – MAX – Bouwen op het water

Aflevering Bouwen op het water en waterzuivering

Hoe kan de woningnood worden aangepakt en hoe kan er gebouwd worden zonder het milieu te belasten? Architect Koen ontwerpt huizen die drijven op water, maar ook complete steden op het water. Hij legt Elles uit hoe, en laat zien waar dit nu al gerealiseerd wordt. Vroeger ging je naar de wc, je trok door en via het riool kwam de boodschap terecht in de zee, enkele kilometers uit de kust. Met het groeiende aantal inwoners in ons land en de huidige klimaatproblematiek is dat geen optie meer. Elles bezoekt een rioolwaterzuivering.

Episode Building on Water and Water Purification

How can the housing shortage be addressed, and how can construction be done without harming the environment? Architect Koen designs houses that float on water, as well as entire cities on the water. He explains to Elles how this is done and shows her where it is already being implemented. In the past, when you used the toilet, you would flush, and the waste would end up in the sea, several kilometers off the coast, through the sewage system. With the growing number of inhabitants in our country and the current climate issues, that is no longer an option. Elles visits a sewage treatment plant.

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